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 The Problem with Infinity

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The Problem with Infinity Empty
PostSubject: The Problem with Infinity   The Problem with Infinity EmptyFri Jun 04, 2010 4:22 pm

This is in response to an article written by Sam Frost, entitled, "Full Preterism and the Problem with Infinity." Here is part of the opening of that article.
Quote :
My arguments were derived, not from eschatology, but from the nature of the knowledge of God and the question of one of the incommunicable attributes of God: His infinite essence. In order, then to test the theory of FP interpretation and its insistence on a never ending history on earth, and, more to the point, a never ending multiplication of human beings (infinite procreation), I applied the standard procedures of any objective attempt to explore whether or not this would run into serious problems with other areas of doctrine; most notably, the doctrine of the knowledge of God (omniscience). It is to my conclusion that it does run into serious problems.
Now let me get this straight. If man's existance on earth is never ending, then the idea that God is omniscient runs into serious problems. But the Bible states that God's knowledge is perfect. And, perfect knowledge, by the very nature of the word "perfect," does not change with the passage of time, no matter how long time will last. Perfect means complete. God's knowledge is complete already. It was complete a million years ago, and it will be complete a million years from now.

The next statement by Sam that I'd like to address is this: "Suffice it to say that despite the typical objections to a never ending history, the FP scheme was able to maneuver around them." FP stands for "Full Preterism," and will for the remainder of this response. And why shouldn't any doctrinal scheme maneuver around any fallacy that there is no eternity. The Bible teaches that the "earth abides forever." Eccl. 1.4. "One generation passes away and another generation comes, but the earth abides forever." If that is not a good definition of infinte procreation, I don't know what is. This indicates that as long as the earth abides, one generation will pass and another generation will come. This verse says that the "earth abides forever."

Further, Isaiah 9.7 states, "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgement and justice, FROM THAT TIME FORWARD, EVEN FOREVER. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." This text plainly states that the kingdom of Christ will go on forever.

So, the Bible clearly establishes eternity. To teach otherwise is plainly a lie.

The next statement I wish to address is, "If God was forever bound to endless time when it comes to creation, thus causing ever-increasing things and people, then he cannot be omniscient, nor could he be immutable." Apparently, according to Sam, God's omniscience and imutability is predicated upon there being an end of things and people. Therefore Sam denies that God already has perfect/complete knowledge, and has no need of growing, learning, or any other process. But the Bible plainly teaches that God has perfect knowledge. So, in making his assertions, Sam is plainly denying the Scriptures, and treating the Bible as being in error, instead of being the inerrant Word of God.

Finally, something I somewhat agree with. "Rather, the eternality of God and the application of “infinity” in the classic theistic sense retains the unlimited nature of his essence and knowledge precisely because there is an end to all he knows – he knows it all." In the sense that God already has complete knowledge, there is an end to what He knows. But, since there is eternity as established in Scripture, and since God is eternal, it stands to reason that His knowledge is eternal and covers the span of eternity. That maybe something that man cannot understand. And some men just can't stand having a God they don't understand, so their response is to create a god they do understand, a god within their ability to understand. This logically leads to setting themselves to be a god as we know ourselves best of all.

In his conclusion Sam states, "I totally accept the classical theistic definition of God’s omniscience. I totally accept that the Bible teaches that God “knows those who are his.” If he knows them, he knows them all, entirely. We are not dealing with “experiences” here as they may be in heaven, in eternity. We are dealing with people, human beings, and an infinite, never ending, having no end, going on with no stoppage ever quantitative addition." In other words, as I understand it, as long as there is one more thing for God to know, He can not be omniscient. I maintain that the knowledge of God is already perfect/complete, and while it maybe hard to understand how God can know all even though there always be one of something to know, since God is eternal, He knows eternity already.

What I see Sam doing, as so many have done before him, is to create a god limited by man's ability to understand God. We cannot understand eternity/infinity, therefore we can not ever fully understand, using man's observances and experiences, the full nature of God, therefore we must accept the true nature of God as revealed in His Word by faith. When it comes to understanding God, man's knowledge can not even scratch the surface.

Quite frankly, Sam's article is so full of over-educated theological junk language, I just don't understand it all. Sam's article ignores the necessesity of faith to accept God. Simple child-like faith is all it takes. And, as a simple man, that's all I have. But, for Sam, and others like him, that obviously is not enough.

If you would like to read Sam's article for yourself, go to this link: http://thereignofchrist.com/full-preterism-and-the-problem-of-infinity/

See what you think. And, I would like to know what you think. So, I would appreciate a reply to this post.

God bless,

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